Acta Ventures is actively looking to partner with successful small businesses to help them realize their long term growth potential
Contact Us to get started.
Acta Ventures was founded by two graduate school classmates looking to apply their skillsets into the small business space, the engine that drives the U.S. economy. If you are a small business owner who would want to have a meaningful and collaborative discussion on growing or exiting your business, we would love to connect with you. Contact Us to get started.

Carl Koubek
Managing Director, Bio
Jordan Leach
Managing Director, Bio
Acta Ventures differs from private equity, search funds, and strategic acquirers because of our long-term investment horizon and hands-on approach. This can take many different forms, from owners looking for support developing a new product or expanding geographically, to owner/operators looking to transition their business to a hand-picked successor. In addition to continuing operational excellence, we will apply our technological and financial expertise to core functions to create 21st century small business. Our only requirement is that there is a long-term operator in the business that we can partner with over the next decade. Contact Us to get started.

Predictable Cash Flow
​A track record of stable, predictable and growing EBITDA
Effective use of invested capital
Recurring revenue from satisfied and diverse customer base
Identifiable Growth
Participation in stable industries that continue to grow incrementally
Opportunity to increase market share through organic growth
Potential value through product line or territory expansion
Sustainable Competitive Position
Strong, differentiated market position
Meaningful barriers-to-entry
High-caliber brand and strong industry reputation for expertise
Experienced Management Team
Proven, committed operators with successful track records who would retain a significant equity stake in the long-run
Closely-held ownership looking to grow the business or who have identified operators to succeed them